Dealing with Tough Times by Mufti Menk

Assalammualaikum w.b.t,
I pray to all of you who reading this may Allah bless you abundantly, protect you, keep you steadfast and grant you what's best for you in both worlds.

Sources: Podcast channel of Mufti Menk

None of us chose to be here. Allah put we here. One of the purpose of 'why we are here (in the world)' is to be able to worship Allah through the tests that He put us through in our life. This is why nobodies life ever has been free of test. 

Listen to what Allah said:

"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka akan dibiarkan begitu saja mengatakan "Kami telah beriman", padahal mereka tidak di uji?" (QS. Al Ankabuut : 2).

Nothing was decreased in the Kingdom of Allah. Allah will test us with fear. What type of fear? You worried about your food, you worried about your health, you worried about safety, you worried about security, you worried about fake love of human, you worried what others said to you, you worried about enemy, you worried about money, you worried about not getting job, you worried about anything and everything. Allah will test us with what we worried about.

Why we worried?

Because the reliance is now on what we have, no longer on Allah. 

Rely on Allah. The tests of Allah will make you closer to Allah. 

Allah says "We sent you to test you". Nobody can denied that.

There is going to be a challenge as you grow older, once or twice a year, you get ill, you have a cough, you have a headache, you know something wrong with yourself, whatever, whatever...

It's part of the tests of Allah. It's proved to you that what Allah is saying is right.

Allah says "We will take away the life"

The life of what? the life of who?
People around you. People whom you love perhaps. 

"However We want to take it, We will take it".

People say, why are an innocent children is dying? 

The One who gave them the life, love them more than the people who gave birth to them. Remember that! The One who gave them the life, love them more than the those who gave birth to them. People said the mother's love is the highest, actually Allah's love is higher than that. So why did they suffer, there is the question, I tell you go back to the reason of creation, you will know it's part of the test. Allah is testing you who remained behind. Do you understand Allah's plan. They might be the means of your entry into Jannah, if Allah knows that there is a little child who's going to grow up to suffer beyond the certain degree, Allah may take them away earlier. If Allah knows that there is a child who's going to grow up and make someone else's life a misery, perhaps the parent's life a misery, Allah might take them away earlier in a car crash where they may not have die in a way I would have like to you would have like, but they die in a way Allah wanted and if you bear the patient, you passed your test, you walked out of it, you might be sad, but Allah will give you Jannah because you  were patient and had they remained, and had they been given life, perhaps you would have said 'O Allah, look at my son he is hassling me, he is troubling me, help me, I am really depressed'.


Allah says we will always do you a favor you don't know the future, We know the future. The knowledge of Allah is so Powerful. 

Allah knows that which was, that which will be, you know the past, the present and future. Those three Allah knows. But there is a 4th categories of knowledge that is the Most Supreme that is only for Allah knows and you know what is is?

Allah knows what will not happen in the future if it were to happen, how it would have to happen

To be continued on the next post in shaa Allah...
Stay smile fighter :)

He said: 'Say: O Allah you are embodiment of forgiveness and you love to pardon so pardon me.' [Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi]


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